Don’t Overheat! How to Protect Your Car Engine in Summer

Don’t Overheat! How to Protect Your Car Engine in Summer

The summer is a great time to take your car out for a ride – The wind in your hair, beautiful weather, and exhilaration of speed is what every serious driver lives for. However, before you hit the road this summer, be sure that your car is adequately prepped to deal with the hot climate. Most cars are prone to overheating, especially during the summer climate. By properly caring for your engine, you can avoid being stuck in hot situations.

How Often to Change Your Oil

If you neglect to change your oil regularly, sludge will accumulate in your engine, greatly diminishing performance, gas mileage, and even causing premature engine failure. Oil changes are especially important in the summer months because oil is used quicker in hot weather.

It is recommended that you change your oil every 4-5 months or 4-5 thousand miles. In summer months, however, you may want to do an oil change every 3-4 months or 3-4 thousand miles. Changing your oil is especially important if you find yourself stuck in traffic in hot weather. Engine sludge accumulates around engine cylinders, pistons, and other engine surfaces – This results in damage to the engine and decreases performance. Also, don’t forget to change your oil filter when performing an oil change! The filter keeps dirt and other harmful materials out of the engine components – a clogged filter will greatly diminish engine performance.

Depending on the prevailing weather, one may choose either a lighter or heavier grade of oil. In the summer, most car experts advise that one uses a heavier oil grade. New synthetic oils can last longer and some are specially designed for certain types of engines. During the summer, it is only natural that engine temperatures will be higher than most other times of the year. Engine parts tend to wear faster due to increased temperatures, as well as friction. By using a heavier oil grade, one ensures that the parts last longer through decreasing the amount of viscosity, as well as party wear. The lighter oil grade may, on the other hand, result in sludge build-up as an engine part wear increases.

Check Your Radiator

The most important engine component relating to overheating is the radiator. Most overheating problems are as a direct result of the radiator being blocked or damaged. Be sure to have your radiator checked whenever going in for service. Servicing the radiator involves flushing it, as well as adding antifreeze. The radiator is essential for keeping your vehicle running in extreme weather conditions.

Engine Part Replacement

The car engine is prone to any number of problems, including worn out parts such as hoses and fittings. Replacing engine hoses and fittings is an essential part of ensuring your car can take the summer heat. When driving around during the summer, car engines can reach exceedingly high temperatures. Some types of engines can run at temperatures higher than 200 F (93 C). Worn engine parts may be unable to withstand the high pressure and temperature generated within the engine, resulting in engine failure. Not replacing engine parts at the right time might result in very costly repairs.

All in all, basic car servicing is essential to ensuring your car survives the summer heat. Moreover, it is less expensive than dealing with any blown engine parts that may result in engine failure.

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